Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Latest Inspiration: BIRTH of the COOL by Barkley L. Hendricks

Barkley L.Hendricks (above)
Tyrone,1976 (above)
Fela:Amen,Amen,Amen,Amen... 2002(above)

Lawdy Mama,1969(above)

It seems like I have the strangest , but the BEST luck, when it comes to seeing art exhibits. I was the very last person to walk into The King Tut Exhibit in Los Angeles a few years back and this year , I saw the Barkley L. Hendricks' Exbihit BIRTH of the COOL, on the last day of exhibition!

For the last few months, I drove down Broad Street, for all sorts of reasons and I would glance over,while stopped at the traffic light and notice the words BIRTH of the COOL and a figure of a life size black man dressed in 1970's 'fly attire". This would get my attention because it reminded me of my mother and father and all their friends!

When I jotted down his name and google "Rebirth of the Cool Broad Street"

I was pleasantly surprised. This would be the moment I discovered Barkley L. Hendricks!

Who is Barkley L. Hendricks? He is an amazing painter who studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia and at an early age ,around 17 or 18 years old , started to paint life size portraits of African -Americans in an unique, provocative but brilliant way. He made the everyday person of the 1970's seem like royalty with colors, posture and his artistic approach. The way he captured facial expressions and dress is incredible. If you have the chance to see his work in person its inspiring and breathtaking all at the same time. And lastly it made me proud, to see someone paint people that are very familiar to my growing up and life in such a regal way. Which is the way I see them.The people he painted are my mother, my father, their friends, my family and people i've grown up with in North Philly while working in our family's corner store establishment. No I do not know any of his subjects prsonally but in one a sense or another I know someone who hey represent very very well.

This exhibit was so inspiring to me. It not only opened my eye to more art but it also prompted me to enroll in the University of the Arts Digital Photography Program.

And learn the art of digital photography, so I can document the people around me and present them in a regal, larger than life sort of way.

Get inspired by any means necessary!



  1. aww this is awesome ! So glad it made u want to study art yourself. I think its so powerful when one person's work moves you to create. Good luck on your journey !

  2. yeah, i was super inspired! it was one of those days i wont forget.i just love his work! good luck to you 2!
